Use "prophetess|prophetesses" in a sentence

1. Prophetess Landingpage Assentatious

2. False prophetesses were denounced too.

3. The Prophetess is a mercantile vessel, not an underground railroad for escaping slaves.

4. 11 synonyms for hAruspex: augur, auspex, diviner, foreteller, prophesier, prophet, prophetess, seer

5. When the Bible first introduces Deborah, it refers to her as “a prophetess.”

6. " Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, " to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication.

7. Though only a few women in the scriptures are called prophetesses, many prophesied, such as Rebekah, Hannah, Elisabeth, and Mary.

8. Let no self-appointed prophetess seek to manipulate others in the present-day Christian congregation!

9. 4 Now Debʹo·rah, a prophetess,+ the wife of Lapʹpi·doth, was judging Israel at that time.

10. 4:8 —Why did Barak insist that the prophetess Deborah go with him to the battlefield?

11. As a prophetess, she had the gift of God’s holy spirit, or active force, in a special sense.

12. As Israel again begins to cry out to Jehovah, He raises up Judge Barak, ably supported by the prophetess Deborah.

13. Through the prophetess Huldah, God provided a message condemning some of the religious practices that had been carried on in Judah.

14. Canaanite King Jabin had oppressed the Israelites for 20 years when God had the prophetess Deborah motivate Judge Barak to take action.

15. Jehovah used Judge Barak and the prophetess Deborah to rally Israel against Canaanite King Jabin, who had oppressed the people for 20 years.

16. Ankhefensekhmet is known to have married the Lady Tapeshenese, who served as the First Chief of the Harem of Ptah and Prophetess of Mut.

17. (Defence, 535, 513) (27) Shelley opposes superstition to poetry: the former pretends to foretell, but the latter, in its Atemporality, transcends the antics of prophetess

18. Deborah the Jewish prophetess summoned Barak of the tribe of Naphtali and gave him God's command, "Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun" (Judges).4:6).

19. Adulations Too My Beloved, My Husbandman, The Bishopric & Lover of My Soul & Spirit, Thee Eternal, Everlasting & Endless God, Yehovah-YHWH!! Indeed, I, The General Bishop Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, DD – I, Am Excited About The Birth Celebration of The Only Begotten Son of My Beloved, (Yehovah-YHWH)!!

20. (Aegisthus was the son of Agamemnon's uncle, Thyestes, and Thyestes's daughter, Pelopia.) Clytemnestra had installed herself up as the supreme queen while Agamemnon was away, but her bitterness increased when he returned from the war not repentant, but in the company of another woman, a concubine—a concubine, the Trojan prophetess-princess

21. In 1690 he wrote the songs for Dryden's version of Shakespeare's The Tempest , including Full fathom five and Come unto these yellow sands, and the music for Betterton 's adaptation of Fletcher and Massinger 's Prophetess (afterwards called Dioclesian ) and Dryden's Amphitryon . In 1691 he produced his dramatic masterpiece, King Arthur , also written by Dryden, and first published by the Musical Antiquarian Society in 1843.